Housing association Bromford has set itself a goal of building 11,000 homes across the West Midlands and West of England over the next seven years.
The ambitious target follows a strong start to the year by Bromford securing land for 179 new homes across three sites so far while progressing contracts to acquire land for over 1,000 additional homes across multiple locations with deals set to be signed by the end of next month.
Lyndon Parkes, Head of Land at Bromford, said: “This year has started strongly, with a number of land deals completed and even more in the pipeline. With more than 1.2 million households currently waiting for a social home in England, the need for high-quality, affordable housing has never been greater.
“Our latest acquisitions mark another step forward in our efforts to deliver much-needed homes, and with demand continuing to rise, it’s more important than ever that we build at scale. Securing land is a vital part of this strategy, allowing us to play a leading role in tackling the housing crisis.
“As we look ahead, our focus remains on identifying and securing land opportunities that align with our mission to support and uplift the communities we serve, helping them to thrive.”
Bromford is set to build some of its future developments using Modern Methods of Construction and is actively seeking new land opportunities to further its development ambitions.